Canal Day at Historic Waterloo Village: Carpenter Shop | Explore Warren


Canal Day at Historic Waterloo Village: Carpenter Shop

Saturday, September 23, 2017 -
10:00am to 4:00pm

This year the Canal Society of New Jersey offers a wide range of programming at Waterloo Village. At the carpenter shop, skilled wood worker Earle Post will be building a full size canal boat rudder.

HIGHLANDS CANAL BOAT EXHIBIT: Our all new Highlands Canal Boat Exhibit features the recently discovered remains of what may be the last Morris Canal Boat.
HISTORIC TRADES & CRAFTS: Rick Giles, store keeper and village historian, will gives visitors an idea of what shopping was like in the 1860. Steve Lauf, miller, will be grinding grain and demonstrating the operation of a real water-powered gristmill. Singing historian Roy Justice will present his own unique blend of music and story telling.

Because Waterloo operates like a real 19th century village, our canal boat ride and water-powered gristmill may not be running at times of low water.

Waterloo Village will also be open to the public for other Heritage Days on the following Saturdays this fall:  Oct. 14 & 28

For further information, please contact Joe Macasek at 973-292-2755 or at