Roy's Hall: Kinky Friedman - "Resurrected" | Explore Warren


Roy's Hall: Kinky Friedman - "Resurrected"

Friday, April 21, 2017 - 8:00pm

Back in the 1970s, twangcore provacateur Kinky Friedman billed himself as “the Texas Jewboy” and flung his rule-breaking attitude in the face of the good ol’ boy sensibilities of the country music establishment. There were a bunch of folks back then who called themselves “outlaws,” but Friedman was a true stylistic extremist, and he spent decades living up to that image: what the Fugs were to rock’n’roll, he was for twang. On his new album, he plays things surprisingly straight, singing with a thick, dignified old-man tone that’s leagues distant from the arrogant, exaggerated drawl of his youth. This  country elder oozes with hard-won wisdom and reflection, the sort of world-weary tone that younger men struggle to affect, but which comes so naturally to Friedman that it really turns your ears.

Tickets are $28.00 - $33.00.

Roy’s Hall

ROY’s HALL is operated by Blairstown Live-Arts, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) cultural institution with the goal of promoting a broad appreciation of the interplay between culture and artistic expression.

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