Our wildly popular Camp Musky is no longer just for kids! The programs are just as fun as kid camp, but designed for busy adults - one day long! They are for ages 15 and above (younger children with adults; seek approval from Kyle Richter). Pick and choose one program or all eight! A 15% discount will be offered if you register for three or more camps. Programs are held at the MWA River Resource Center (RRC), 10 Maple Avenue, Asbury, NJ 08802 unless otherwise noted.
Register early as Camp attendance is limited. To register for one or more camps, please call (908) 537-7060. For questions about these camp programs, email kyle@musconetcong.org.
I Spy with My Camera Eye is a very hands-on, experience-based camp that weaves together nature and art. We will inspire you to be another "visual" ambassador in the watershed - sharing your experiences with friends and family to raise their regard and care for the watershed. Following a brief review of camera equipment and safety, campers will talk about how to move from 'snapshots' to 'photographs' with 5 guaranteed tips to improve your photography. (Hint: It's not about the camera!) To warm up your "vision" and perception, campers will go into the natural areas surrounding the Musconetcong River for a "Universe at Your Feet" exercise where observations of the micro-universe will be made using all 5 senses. A substantial part of the camp will be the interactive Watershed Photo Scavenger Hunt. Campers will have a morning list and an afternoon list of photos to take that will ask you to apply the principles you've learned to improve your nature photography. Each hunt is followed by a group critique and discussion. Each camper will have 1 photo selected that will be used as an MWA Facebook cover photo in the next year.
Musconetcong Watershed Association
The Musconetcong Watershed Association leads hiking and paddling trips and hosts River Talks on a wide variety of topics. We have a 4 Mile Run/Walk for the River the first Sunday in May and a Wine Tasting Event along the River the first Saturday in October.