The Hackettstown Business Improvement District, in partnership with WRNJ Radio, will hold the 8th Annual Scarecrow Contest, with HKTWN BID businesses displaying Scarecrows around town.
This year, the BID again invites visitors and residents to take a Scarecrow Selfie, and submit the photo to director@hackettstownbid.com or send a message through Facebook. The BID will create a Facebook photo album where everyone can vote for his or her favorite—one ‘like’ per person, per photo entry. The selfie with the most ‘likes’ will win $25 in BID Bucks to spend at any BID business in Hackettstown. Please use #HackettstownBID
The winning Business will receive $1,500 worth of advertising on WRNJ!
JUDGING: Scarecrows will be judged by the HBID Event Committee by November 3, 2020. The prize will be awarded to the most creative scarecrow. The winner will be announced on WRNJ on November 4, 2020.
BID businesses can submit their selection to director@hackettstownbid.com or through a digital form on the BID website. For more information, call the BID office at 908-850-5004 or email director@hackettstownbid.com
THEME: Participating businesses may choose ANY THEME! BE CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN. There will be no theme this year. Every scarecrow must contain the basic characteristics of a traditional scarecrow, which include stuffing or hay that protrudes out of the hands, head, feet, and neck. It cannot just be a mannequin in a costume!