Explore Ridge and Valley Conservancy's preserves by bike. Meet at the White Lake barn at 9:00 am for a pre-ride safety check. Departure is at 10:00 am. RVC Vice President George Schaberg will lead you through a 15-mile loop starting at White Lake Park that will include a visit to the following preserves:
Spring Valley Preserve, Limestone Ridge Preserve, McDonald Marsh, Gnome Hollow Preserve, Mountainwood Spring.
Some of the tour will involve riding the cinder Paulinskill Valley Trail and roads. Snacks and drinks will await you at the end of the ride at the White Lake barn.
Ridge and Valley Conservancy
As a non- profit land trust, the Ridge and Valley Conservancy has protected more than 3,200 acres of precious space up to date. Our efforts have a positive impact on your air and water quality and provide critical wildlife habitat.