Camp Musky is an educational and fun day camp for kids ages 5 to 12-plus with an outdoor learning experience, and hands-on, river-based programs. MWA's primary mission is education and awareness and believe that a community that is fully aware of the importance and vulnerability of its natural resources is a community that will actively support efforts to ensure environmental quality.
2024 Camps
July 8 -12: Explorers
July 15-19: Stream Team
July 22-26: Trailblazers
July 29-Aug.2: River Rangers
Aug.5-9: STEAM Camp
Musconetcong Watershed Association
The Musconetcong Watershed Association leads hiking and paddling trips and hosts River Talks on a wide variety of topics. We have a 4 Mile Run/Walk for the River the first Sunday in May and a Wine Tasting Event along the River the first Saturday in October.