Centenary University Lecture: Heart Rate Variability as an Underutilized Health Measure | Explore Warren


Centenary University Lecture: Heart Rate Variability as an Underutilized Health Measure

Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 7:00pm

The free lecture series presents Centenary University's Dr. James J. Monks, Assistant Professor of Biology, and his research student Dana Loyal, on Heart Rate Variability as an Underutilized Health Measure and Some Means In Which We Can Make Improvements To It. This lecture is sponsored by the House of the Good Shepherd, and the Lecture Series introduces a variety of professors from Centenary University who will speak about what they know best.

Each lecture will last about an hour followed by a Q/A session along with tea and light snacks. No reservations required!

Rutherfurd Hall

Historic mansion visited by FDR open for tours every Wednesday at 11am, 12pm and 1pm. Concerts are free to the public with a recommended donation of $10, Tea & Talk lecture series, Film Night, summer camps and more.

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