Lorna and Phil Wooldridge of Wise Owl Workshops will weave stories, images, symbolism and music into this fascinating talk about cemeteries. This presentation will cover the progression and interpretation of early symbols or icons, from those seen in family burial plots to the more elaborate ones seen in the "rural" and lawn park cemeteries of the Victorian era and, later still, in the Memorial Parks of the 20th Century.
At the end of the presentation, there will be a discussion on the restoration work currently happening at the Union Brick Cemetery in Blairstown. Joshua Lance of Blairstown's Boy Scout Troop #140 is working to improve the Union Brick Cemetery in order to achieve his Eagle Scout merit. Please attend to find out more about this local project.
You can register here: http://warrenlib.evanced.info/signup/event...
For more information: http://wiseowlworkshops.com/