Join the Hackettstown BID and celebrate their 2nd Annual town-wide Maifest on the block located between the streets of Main at Grand Avenue and Valentine Street. Bring the whole family and enjoy music, food, libations, contests, activities, along with craft and business vendors. Czig Meister Brewing Co., and Man Skirt Brewing will host games, contests, live music, drinks, and food during the event. Bea McNally's will once again be rolling out a slew of activities with their beer truck, outside music, tent, plenty of tables & chairs, authentic German food, and WDHA live in Bea McNally's parking lot!
There will be a platz next to each brewery, Grandplatz by Man Skirt and Bea McNally's, Valenplatz by Czig Meister, along with a Kinderplatz nearby to host activities for children.
Homebrew University, and the North Jersey Homebrewers Organization of Practicing Zymurgists (NJHOPZ) will host their third annual Homebrew Competition, during Maifest. Judging to take place in two sessions from 9am–12pm and 1pm-4pm at Homebrew University. Awards will be announced on stage at Czig Meister Brewing Co. after judging results are posted.
There is no admission fee and everyone is welcome to come celebrate Maifest. Each brewery will feature special Maifest-inspired beer, including a celebratory keg tapping at 12pm!
Hackettstown Business Improvement District
Explore Hackettstown for a variety of shopping choices from clothing and household needs to brew your own soda or beer at home.