Beginning in April, RVC will offer a free weekly youth fishing program known as “Hooked on Fishing not on Drugs (HOFNOD)”. This community program offered to students, ages 12-15yrs old, will run 4/10 - 6/14 (Spring Session) and 6/19- 8/30 (Summer Session), every Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30pm-6pm. North Warren Middle School students in need of transportation can use their bus passes to get to the location during school days.
Aimed at supporting positive outdoor recreation activities and life skills. HOFNOD introduces young teens to fishing, while learning about their local water and natural resources. Adult-led lessons provide students with hands-on, real life nature experiences and incorporate peer teaching and mentoring in the process. HOFNOD translates directly to the importance of taking care of your own bodies by engaging in healthy activities and consuming healthy foods. The core message of the program is that a person doesn't need to the use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs to have fun.
RVC's preserve managers have undergone the required peer leader training to lead HOFNOD. Guest experts will be invited to teach supplemental sessions like fly tying and casting, kayaking and boating safety, the importance of local food and food preparation. RVC will partner with the Foodshed Alliance to add programs that involve learning about the preparation of fresh local food, and attaining life skills such as cooking a catch.
The program is funded by Drug Enforcement and Demand Reduction (DEDR) Funds and coordinated by the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife, which provide the curriculum, equipment and leader training. Equipment is provided by corporate sponsors.
White Lake Natural Resource Area
The White Lake Natural Resource Area is a beautiful 441-acre preserve located in Hardwick Township. The park’s most notable feature, White Lake, is a deep 69-acre spring-fed water body.