Larry Campbell & Teresa Williams @ Roy's Hall | Explore Warren


Larry Campbell & Teresa Williams @ Roy's Hall

Friday, June 14, 2024 - 8:00pm

Love always. Love forever. Love until the end of time. The Great Cosmic Playlist is testimony to the endurance of an emotion that is easy to conjure but hard to maintain. But for Larry Campbell and Teresa Williams, who have been coupled consciously since 1986, love is more than a pop song; they are the bards of the long term committed relationship.

From the beginning, they shared a musical sensibility as Larry courted her with a Louvin Brothers mix tape. The more they played together, the deeper it grew. Whether it was Larry joining in on the music with Teresa’s family and neighbors under the tree where they were married, or Teresa belting bluegrass songs on the bus with Larry and the rest of Bob Dylan’s band as they traveled between gigs, the couple’s rapport grew richer.

The couple took another decade, much spent playing with Levon Helm and his band at his legendary Midnight Rambles in Woodstock, before Larry and Teresa elevated their rapport to the next level.

Roy’s Hall

ROY’s HALL is operated by Blairstown Live-Arts, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) cultural institution with the goal of promoting a broad appreciation of the interplay between culture and artistic expression.

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