Villa Milagro will celebrates Las Posadas, a traditional early California/Mexican celebration of the journey of Joseph and Mary in search of lodging. As they were turned away at each inn, they were offered small bites of food to sustain their travels. Stop in this weekend during your travels for a bite of bocadillos - small bites of Mexican tidbits representing foods offered as nourishment for the holy couple and a sip of Feliz Navidad for your journey through for the Holidays.
$15 fee includes tasting, plate of small bites, tree ornament (while they last), Special discounts on holiday wines (Gracias, Feliz Navidad & Mi Carino).
Villa Milagro Vineyards
Villa Milagro means place or home of miracles, and Villa Milagro Vineyards invites you to come, drink in the scenery, submerge yourselves in nature and enjoy one of man's oldest pleasures, wine!