WE'RE SORRY TO SAY THAT THIS TOUR IS NOW SOLD OUT. Don't let that happen again! Call the number below to be placed on a waiting list for next time.
The Warren County Morris Canal Committee invites you to a join them for a scenic tour of the historic Morris Canal. Come see for yourself what made our canal unique in all the world. Learn what a "Jersey team" was before it meant something about sports. Visit sites along the Morris Canal including Port Colden, Bread Lock Park, Plane 9 West and more. This heritage corridor gives reminders of its glory days with inland ports of call with names like Port Colden, Port Murray, Port Warren, Port Washington, and Rockport, along with descriptive names such as Fresh Bread Lock, Guinea Hollow and Greene's Bridge. Meeting at, departing from, and returning to: Port Colden Elementary School, which has plenty of parking. Cost: $20/person - box lunch included.
For more information or to register, please call the Warren County Planning Department at 908-475-6539. For further information about the Morris Canal, please visit our websites at www.warrenparks.com and www.morriscanal.org.