Summer Block Party @ Czig Meister's Brewing | Explore Warren


Summer Block Party @ Czig Meister's Brewing

Summer Block Part August 26 at Czig Meister's
Saturday, August 26, 2023 -
12:00pm to 10:00pm

Beers, field day games, live music, and more? Czig Meister Brewing Company is having their Summer Block Party with an Adult Field Day. Czig Meister will be expanding the taproom into the lower parking lot for a block party style of serving beer, with local food vendors, axe throwing, and live music all day long!

Adult Field Day will be open for individuals, smaller groups, and teams of eight can sign up to have the opportunity to win the grand prizes! From tug of war and sponge toss, to corn hole and relay races, these field day games are not to be missed.

1st Place
$500 worth of Gift Cards
Czig Meister Flagship T-Shirts
1st Place Medals

2nd Place
$200 Gift Card
Czig Meister Flagship T-Shirts
2nd Place Medals

3rd Place
$100 Gift Card
Czig Meister Flagship T-Shirts
3rd Place Medals