Sold out! Tamron Vineyard Photography Seminar | Explore Warren


Sold out! Tamron Vineyard Photography Seminar

Friday, June 28, 2019 - 6:00pm

Sorry but this event has sold out! Join Brook Hollow Winery for an evening lecture featuring a fun and educational photography seminar with professional landscape photographer, Ken Hubbard. This evening includes light food refreshments, and a complimentary wine tasting! All included with registration fee of $10.

Whether you are standing in the mustard fields of Sonoma, CA or just trying to capture the colorful flowers in your backyard garden, here is the chance to get some helpful hints on how to best capture your subjects. Join Professional Photographer Ken Hubbard as he helps you fine tune your photography skills, so you don't miss out on taking the best possible images of your next adventure. During this seminar you will learn how to create the right exposure, approach your subject, compose new angles and perspectives, and pack your bag with the right lenses and much more useful information. Open your eyes to the world of travel & nature photography and your memories will last a lifetime!