The public is welcome and are encouraged to bring paper, a sketchpad, or materials of choice to draw/sketch with. Refreshments will be served. There will be a $10 fee for non-members wishing to participate.
Doris Ettlinger has been an illustrator since graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design. She later received an MFA from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Her work features fine draftsmanship and a masterful use of watercolor.
Over the course of her career Doris has illustrated 40 children’s books, including the award-winning titles A Book for Black-Eyed Susan and The Orange Shoes. She collaborated on the Little House program for HarperCollins, producing picture books and chapter books based on the writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Other clients include Sleeping Bear Press, American Girl, Albert Whitman & Co, Houghton Mifflin and Simon & Schuster. She is represented by Cornell & Company.
Doris and her husband Michael McFadden - artist, teacher and craftsman - live in an old grist mill on the banks of the Musconetcong River in Warren County NJ, where they raised their two children, Ivy and Benjamin.
Funding has been made possible, in part, by the Warren County Cultural and Heritage Commission.