Saturday, July 13, 2019 -
1:00pm to 2:30pm
Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Warren County welcomes back Debra Naha, nutritionist and wild edibles forager this summer! Debra will show you what can be eaten, as well as what should not be eaten through PowerPoint and hands-on learning outdoors. Presentation includes wild tea tasting and light refreshments, pre-register before it's too late! $10 in advance, $15 at the door (space is limited!), call 908-475-6507 or email lwaclawski@co.warren.nj.us .
Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Warren County
Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Warren County offers a wide range of services and programs to the community. Offices are located in the Wayne Dumont, Jr. Administration Building, the main Warren County government facility, first floor, and include a meeting room.
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