March roared in with its cold days, but a few warm temperatures and sun have some of us anticipating the summer months, with fresh flowers and veggies. That makes it the perfect time to consider a Community Supported Agriculture membership. Joining a CSA program assures you’ll have nutritious food, fresh from the farm, in the months ahead. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) allows people to have direct access to high quality, fresh produce or hormone and chemical free meats, raised by local farmers. When you become a member of a CSA, you’re purchasing a “share” of vegetables, fruits or meats from a farmer. Weekly, typically from June until October or November, your farmer will deliver that share of produce to a convenient drop-off location or at the farm in your neighborhood. You are getting a good quality product with some farms offering discounts early in the year. Many of the farms listed below offer fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, cheeses and fresh-cut flowers! Invest in your share today!
At Last Farm, Asbury, Franklin Township offers family and single share orders from June through November. Offering vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs. Click the link for details.
CSG at Genesis Farm, Blairstown (Frelinghuysen Township) is now accepting applications offering full year shares, half year shares and winter share for 2023 - 2024. In their 31st year, Genesis is one of the oldest CSAs in the nation, offering vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers. Click the link for details.
Godlewsky Farms, Great Meadows offers a veggie club from June-November, with small, medium or large boxes available. No membership fee, and you pay weekly for your box. Offering vegetables and herbs, plus free range eggs are available. Email veggieclub@godlewskyfarms.com to sign up.
Hensler Farms, Belvidere offers full, half and single shares starting May 24 - October 11. Click the link for details.
Little Big Farm, Blairstown provides 4- and 8-week subscriptions of organically grown, fresh cut flowers during the growing season, June-October. Click here for details.
Tranquillity Farms, Andover offers a customizable box from the CSA market. These boxes come in three sizes with add-ons available including bread, meat, eggs and ice cream. The CSA program runs for 13 weeks and starts June 27. Click the link for details.
VonThun Farms, Washington offers full, half, and personal shares. The earlier you buy, the lower the cost you pay. Offering vegetables, fruit and beef. Click here for signup details.
VooDoo Farm, Hardwick, offers chicken and eggs through CSA program. Click here for signup details.