Part of MWA’s adult camp program, wilderness survival skills can be relevant to anyone visiting New Jersey’s local parks and preserves, many of which are unattended and have large expanses of remote forest. Campers will get useful suburban survival information – like the common plant that treats a bee sting or how to keep calm when you think you’re lost. We won’t ask you to eat bugs, but we will provide a campfire lunch – after you build that fire without a match! What if you’re in the woods when a lightning storm blows in? Could you purify water for drinking without a device? What ways can you signal for help if you need it?
Musconetcong Watershed Association
The Musconetcong Watershed Association leads hiking and paddling trips and hosts River Talks on a wide variety of topics. We have a 4 Mile Run/Walk for the River the first Sunday in May and a Wine Tasting Event along the River the first Saturday in October.