Adult Summer Camp Program at MWA: The Birds and the Bees for Adults | Explore Warren


Adult Summer Camp Program at MWA: The Birds and the Bees for Adults

Saturday, June 22, 2019 -
8:00am to 2:00pm

Our wildly popular Camp Musky is no longer just for kids! The programs are just as fun as kid camp, but designed for busy adults - one day long! They are for ages 15 and above (younger children with adults; seek approval from Kyle Richter). Pick and choose one program or all eight! A 15% discount will be offered if you register for three or more camps. Programs are held at the MWA River Resource Center (RRC), 10 Maple Avenue, Asbury, NJ 08802 unless otherwise noted. 

Register early as Camp attendance is limited. To register for one or more camps, please call (908) 537-7060. For questions about these camp programs, email

Insects are the most abundant animals on earth! Not only are these creepy-crawlies everywhere, they provide us many necessary benefits. Through a variety of interactive hikes in MWA's Education Trail and the surrounding river environs, this camp will explore the conservation of bees, butterflies and birds in your yard. Expect there to be some humorous double-entendre in keeping with camp's title as our gifted educators warm to their adult audience. (Preview: Monarch butterfly males will sometimes conduct aerial take-downs, grabbing females out of their air and mating with them on the ground!) Campers will collect insect-friendly natural materials during their field time to construct and take home their own insect "hotel". We will meet at MWA's River Resource Center, but if conditions are right, we will carpool over to Point Mountain Reservation (~5 miles away) for the birding.