ArtsGiving Starving Artists Dinner Club @ Propagate Studio | Explore Warren


ArtsGiving Starving Artists Dinner Club @ Propagate Studio

Saturday, November 23, 2024 - 6:00pm

This is Propagate's holiday party and is open for anyone to join, especially if you are an instructor. This will be a standard potluck, and art swap.

Please bring a handmade item to be swapped in a blind give swap with everyone. There will be additional holiday activities and projects and will combine the 2 minute intros with gift opening.

Please RSVP and select what you plan on bringing. Please create a label to go with your dish and include if it contains gluten, dairy, or meat etc.

Propagate Studio

Propagate Studio exists as a place for creativity to grow. We operate as an event space, community studio, and maker market where everyone is welcome. We want to offer space for every creative to share themselves with our community while also growing their craft.

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