Blairstown Historic Preservation Committee's second event of History Month 2018 is with the North Warren Seniors at the Catherine Dickson Hofman Library. The talk is hosted by the North Warren Seniors and is open to the public.
Their chairperson Christine Beegle will be speaking with the group on the topic "Blairstown's Four Names." The talk will review the beginnings of our township in the early-to-mid 1700s as a western frontier of New Jersey. At this time just a few homesteads dotted the Paulinskill. They will review how the township evolved from the 1700s through the mid-1900s and turned from a frontier to a bustling village. The four names of the town will be traced back to these earliest origins: Smith's Mills ca 1760; Buttz' Bridge 1795; Gravel Hill 1825 and Blairstown 1839. A slideshow will accompany the talk.