Blairstown Historic Preservation Committee's 2018 History Month begins on Monday, May 7th by honoring our BHPC founders: former Mayor and Committeewoman the late Anita Ardia, and Blairstown's Historian the late Helen Hall. A biography of their lives will be reviewed as well as the role they played in founding our Committee in 2001. Images, newspaper articles and personal notes will be on display. The BHPC record books and artifacts of Helen Hall will be shown in addition to the documents passed by Anita Ardia to the BHPC. Many may not be aware that Helen Hall was not only our founder, but an active member of the BHPC until her passing in 2008. Committeewoman Ardia was also an active contributor and served as our township committee liaison.
A special thank you message sent to the BHPC from the surviving family of Helen Hall will be read. In addition to the contributions of Helen Hall and Anita Ardia, we will pay tribute to all Blairstown historians throughout time that have researched and recorded the history of our township.
Be sure to see our other event listings for BHPC's May 2018 History Month: "Blairstown's Four Names" talk, Footbridge Tour, Heritage Open House and Veterans' Tribute and Tour at Cedar Ridge Cemetery. We are looking forward to seeing you at these events! A reminder that our events are FREE and presented as a community service by the volunteers of the Blairstown Historic Preservation Committee.