Never sure which wine to choose? Can't tell a chardonnay from a riesling? They'll train your taste buds! Learn to swish & swirl like a pro! Learn to discern fruit and other flavor notes, tannins, acids, and oaks in wine. Learn characteristic flavor profiles for white vs red wines. Learn the steps to properly tasting a wine. Become a mini-wine-snob and drive your friends and family crazy with "significant" details! $30 per person which includes instructional materials, tasting samples, wines, and a gift monogrammed wine glass to keep. 10% discount on all wine purchases day of class. Reservations are required so sign-up now.
Villa Milagro Vineyards
Villa Milagro means place or home of miracles, and Villa Milagro Vineyards invites you to come, drink in the scenery, submerge yourselves in nature and enjoy one of man's oldest pleasures, wine!