The Canal Society of New Jersey offers a wide range of programming at Waterloo Village.
HIGHLANDS CANAL BOAT EXHIBIT: this new exhibit features the recently discovered remains of what may be the last Morris Canal Boat.
– Live Music: Terry Hartzell/Rick Weaver, Irish Music, Sept. 8; and Jan/Jeff Aushfahl, Celtic Singers (music of Ireland and Scotland), Sept 22
– Rick Giles will be greeting visitors at the Smith’s Canal Store with stories of the canal, the Smith family and long and complex history of the village.
– Earle Post woodworker, has set up a carpentry shop in the Peter D. Smith Carriage House where he will be building a full size canal boat rudder.
– John Holochwost tinsmith, will be demonstrating his skills at make household item of all kinds.
CANAL BOAT RIDES: A narrated boat ride on the historic Morris Canal will be offered continuously from late morning until 3:30pm (canal water levels permitting).
For further information, please contact Joe Macasek at 973-292-2755 or at macgraphics2@gmail.com.