Celebrate Independence with Shippen Manor!
2022 Schedule
11 to 11:25am - Colonial Musketeers Jr Fife & Drum Corps will perform
11:25am to noon: Bachmann Players performances
Noon to 12:15pm - Reading of the Declaration of Independence
12:15pm to 1pm - Colonial Musketeers Jr. Fife & Drum Corps will perform
1 to 4pm - Museum opens for tours (main floor along boardwalk only)
We are encouraging our visitors to bring chairs or blankets for the show! As the performances will be on the lower drive and porch of the Manor (side facing Route 31), we are encouraging our visitors to sit or stand on the grass along the lower driveway.
PARKING: Our rear parking lot will be open, but has limited spacing.
Shippen Manor
Shippen Manor is a c.1754 iron master’s residence built by Dr. William Shippen, Sr. The Shippens were socially prominent members of a wealthy Philadelphia family. The museum offers guided tours on the 1st and 2nd Sundays from May to December, except on holidays.