Saturday, December 10, 2022 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Villa Milagro is thrilled to welcome Lehigh Valley's popular jazz vocalist, Corinne Mammana, to perform a selection of her unique arrangements of classic Christmas songs and carols. Her voice will thrill you. Her arrangements will delight you. You will definitely get into the Holiday Spirit. Tickets are $20 here: https://www.villamilagrovineyards.com/chri...
Wine will be offered by the bottle. Traditional buñuelos will be served with your wine. No other food allowed. A truly delightful evening!
Villa Milagro Vineyards
Villa Milagro means place or home of miracles, and Villa Milagro Vineyards invites you to come, drink in the scenery, submerge yourselves in nature and enjoy one of man's oldest pleasures, wine!
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