Saturday, May 18, 2024 - 7:00pm
Villa's three course dinner served as the sun sets over the vineyard, opens with Ecuadorian Cuisine, prepared by talented chef Wilson Patina, owner of Rapaen Cuisine in Phillipsburg, NJ. Formally trained at Quito with experience in Chile, New York City and Wind Creek Casino in Bethlehem, PA, his meal will take you on a culinary excursion.
$80 per person. Dinner served at 7 p.m.
Wine available by the bottle for purchase.
Seating limited to 42. Reservations are required.
Villa Milagro Vineyards
Villa Milagro means place or home of miracles, and Villa Milagro Vineyards invites you to come, drink in the scenery, submerge yourselves in nature and enjoy one of man's oldest pleasures, wine!
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