Daniel Gerroll is Dr. Glas in Jeffrey Hatcher's adaptation of the classic Swedish novel by Hjalmar Soderberg. Dr. Glas, an aloof Swedish physician, stays deeply embedded in the imagination in this psychological thriller about a man who unburdens his soul with the story of his obsession for another man's wife and the murder he plots to win her heart.
Published in 1905 and written in Swedish, this book wasn't avaliable until 1963 in an English translation. It was adapted in 1942 for film in black and white by Rune Carlsten and directed by Mai Zetterling in 1968 in Danish and in color.
Centenary Stage Company
Centenary Stage Company is a performing arts center located on the campus of Centenary University. Year-round events include Professinal Theater Series, music events, dance events, a Women Playwrights Series, Young Performers Workshop, an annual holiday spectatular, and more!