Join Ridge and Valley Conservancy friend and supporter Rob Merrifield for the May "Hike of the Month" through Blair Creek Preserve. They will meet at the white barn parking lot at White Lake at 11:45am and carpool to the trail head. Hike will begin at 12pm. Reserve your spot today.
The 485-acre preserve is part of a 12,100-acre contiguous forest along Kittanny Mountain. It has significant conservation value for species requiring interior forest habitat. Large mammals such as bobcat, black bear, red fox, gray fox, and coyote can be found in this forested area. Wood turtles have been observed on the site. The site provides nesting habitat for migrating Neotropical birds including cerulean warbler, wood thrush, Northern parula, and magnolia warbler, as well as several accipiters such as Northern goshawk, sharp-shinned hawk, red-shouldered hawk, and broad-winged hawk, and owls, such as the Barred owl.
White Lake Natural Resource Area
The White Lake Natural Resource Area is a beautiful 441-acre preserve located in Hardwick Township. The park’s most notable feature, White Lake, is a deep 69-acre spring-fed water body.