Loni Bach String Quartet @ Ramsaysburg Summer Concert Series | Explore Warren


Loni Bach String Quartet @ Ramsaysburg Summer Concert Series

Saturday, August 24, 2024 - 4:00pm

Made up of the four section leaders of the New Sussex Symphony, the Loni Bach Quartet features principal cellist Loni Pilshaw Bach, principal violist, Laura Schock Lopez, principal violinist, Chryselle Angderson Yang and principal second violinist Emily Gaab Moorhead. 

Bach is recently retired from Sparta Schools as an orchestra teacher for 29 years. Her former student, Lopez, later became colleagues in the music department at Sparta High School. They also co-taught high school orchestras, having collaborated with the choirs in many performances.

Moorhead was the first chair violinist at Sparta High School and later became a strings teacher in Parsippany, starting a hugely successful strings program. During Moorhead's senior year, Yang entered Sparta High school, became a student teacher and later a strings teacher at Helen Morgan. She leads the New Sussex Symphony under conductor Jordan Brown.

The concerts are presented by The Friends of Ramsaysburg, a dedicated group of volunteers and made possible with generous support from the Warren County Cultural and Heritage Division of the Department of Land Preservation, a partner of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.

Thanks also to Blue Ridge Lumber for parking services, Humpty Junior's and WRNJ Radio for promotional courtesy. Sound production is by Mountain Ledge Music.