Saturday, March 7, 2020 -
2:00pm to 3:30pm
Hosted by VanNest-Hoff-Vannatta Farmstead and Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Warren County. Patrick Peckard, from Hunterdon County Parks and Recreation will be giving a presentation on the history of maple sugaring and how it came to be maple syrup. He will also show how to tap a real tree. This event is open to all ages. Admission is free, but you must pre-register. Email or call 908-475-6507 for registration.
Van Nest-Hoff-Vannatta Farmstead
This remarkably intact farmstead was listed on the New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places in 2005 as a representative illustration of the rural region’s architecture and agricultural practices during the 18th and 19th centuries.
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