Marc Douglas Berardo’s songs mine the deep feelings and lessons gleaned from real-life characters and situations. It’s his songs combined with an onstage presence that uses humor and deft storytelling to rally an audience and lead them into a deep and sometimes spiritual experience. It’s an adventure that brings to mind James Taylor, Jimmy Buffett, Guy Clark, or Steely Dan with a touch of Mark Twain or Hunter S. Thompson for good measure.
Hailing from Texas, and on the road for 25 years, Walt Wilkins has made nine solo records, four records with The Mighty Mystiqueros, and one with his wife Tina. He’s had 100 or more songs recorded by other artists, and traveled a fair part of the world.
The concerts are presented by The Friends of Ramsaysburg, a dedicated group of volunteers and made possible with generous support from the Warren County Cultural and Heritage Division of the Department of Land Preservation, a partner of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
Thanks also to Blue Ridge Lumber for parking services, Humpty Junior's and WRNJ Radio for promotional courtesy. Sound production is by Mountain Ledge Music.
Ramsaysburg Homestead
Historical park. The public may access the river here for fishing or to launch small watercraft such as canoes or kayaks.