Maribyrd "Moments" Album Release w/Joe Cirotti Trio @ Roy's Hall | Explore Warren


Maribyrd "Moments" Album Release w/Joe Cirotti Trio @ Roy's Hall

Saturday, June 17, 2023 - 8:00pm

This special show will feature Joe Cirotti, Pete Lister and Mike Alexander of the Cirotti Trio, Caleb Estey on drums, Damian Calcagne on keys, a string section featuring Seth Mandel on violin and Dave Lockhart on viola, as well as Christina Alessi and Jon Andrew from the Toll Collectors on backing vocals. Affectionately described by her peers as "NJ's Joni Mitchell", Maribyrd is a singer/songwriter, born and raised in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains of Northern NJ with intimate and acoustic, to dynamic full bands, and everything in between.

Roy’s Hall

ROY’s HALL is operated by Blairstown Live-Arts, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) cultural institution with the goal of promoting a broad appreciation of the interplay between culture and artistic expression.

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