Celebrate Oktoberfest, with Czig Meister, Homebrew University and Man Skirt Brewing hosting activities, contests, music, drinks and food at their Platz through regular operating hours.
Begin the fun with a celebratory keg tapping at 12 PM, then enjoy a packed schedule of activities.
12 PM – Opening Celebration Keg Tapping
– Sign-up begins for contests & activities corresponding to location and closes 15 minutes before start time, ex. 1:15pm close for 1:30 start time
1:30 – Stein Carry Race (Man Skirt)
2:30 – Wiener Dog Race (Czig Meister)
3:30 – Barrel Roll Competition (Man Skirt Brewing)
4:30 – Grain Bag Toss (Czig Meister)
5:30 – Costume Contest (Man Skirt)
Includes Costume Pageant, People’s Choice by crowd, judging runs from 12-5pm. Official winners announced by judges
6:30 – Stein Hold Competition (Czig Meister)
*Activities and competitions run approx. 1 hour
Warren of Homebrew University will conduct Brewing Demos throughout the day at Czig Meister Platz
For more info, contact Czig Meister Brewing Company, Homebrew University, Man Skirt Brewing or visit http://hackettstownbid.com/2016/09/oktober...
Hackettstown Business Improvement District
Explore Hackettstown for a variety of shopping choices from clothing and household needs to brew your own soda or beer at home.