Ever tried a black huckleberry? It's like a blueberry but less acid, and with a slight, pleasing seedy crunch. It's a favorite. For the last few years, summer droughts have restricted fruiting severely along the dry ridgelines this low shrub favors. But this year, the plants produced early and copiously, and we took a family day trip and gorged on them.
We often get inquiries about the black huckleberry plants we grow in the nursery. The plants grow slowly from seed and we've been as limited in seed collecting as fruit eating. But we have a reserve stash we've been hoarding -- now husky two quart plants -- and we're going to make them available, just for a day, at our Open GreenHouse event (see website for details). Why? Because we'd rather they go to our local customers, friends, acquaintances, and colleagues, than ship them halfway across the country.
We'd love to see you at our Open GreenHouse. This year we grew more species, in greater quantities, to more impressive sizes, than ever before. We're particularly excited about new offerings like Canadian burnet, shagbark hickory, prickly gooseberry, water avens AKA chocolate root, upland boneset, and hearts-a-burstin'. Check out our availability list below to get a sense for what else we'll have on hand.