The Phillipsburg Rotary is running the Phillipsburg Rotary vs Opioid 4th Annual Golf Outing on October 9, 2020 at Green Pond Country Club, Bethlehem, PA. Proceeds from the outing will be used to fund local agencies and programs combating opioid abuse and promoting awareness, as well as other Rotary initiatives.
Registration ends September 30, 2020. Contact Carol Johnson at 908-453-2305 or 908-235-7426 or Brian Grace at bgrace@curzilaw.com or email us at rotaryphillipsburg@gmail.com. Click more for additional information and a link to register online.
The Honorary Chairman will be former baseball player Matt McBride (Cleveland Indians, Colorado Rockies, Oakland Athletics). The day will include Shotgun Scramble 18 holes of Golf with a beverage and snack at the turn, Prizes, Luncheon, Carts, Awards, and Sponsorships.
The schedule is:
8:00 AM Continental Breakfast, Registration
9:00 AM Shotgun Start
2:00 PM Registration
3:00 PM Luncheon and Awards
Activities includes a Silent Auction / Tricky Tray, Raffles, Hole in One contest, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive, Closest to the Line, Golden Circle 50/50, Mulligan String.