Enjoy lunch and a workshop on selected Fridays March through June, hosted by Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Warren County. First up, Heirloom Seeds and Seed Saving. Why are heirloom seeds essential for our survival? Get hands-on with seed saving and learn how you can keep the generations growing.
$20 per workshop. For more information or to register, contact 908-4754-6507 or lwaclawski@co.warren.nj.us.
Future workshops are:
March 23: Composting
April 13: Managing and Living with Backyard Wildlife
May 11: Herbs 101
June 8: Food Preservation and Eating Seasonally.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Warren County
Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Warren County offers a wide range of services and programs to the community. Offices are located in the Wayne Dumont, Jr. Administration Building, the main Warren County government facility, first floor, and include a meeting room.