Sweet Deals Saturday presented by Hackettstown BID | Explore Warren


Sweet Deals Saturday presented by Hackettstown BID

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Join the Hackettstown Business Improvement District as it celebrates Valentines Day Weekend with the barbershop Quartet Kudos as they roam from 12 - 2pm singing "Let Me Call you Sweetheart" as well as other choice songs. Sample the tastes of the great Hackettstown Eateries and Breweries. Check out sales and special offers at the local shops and businesses.

This is a greatopportunity to visit a new business, try a new beer, sample a new food, and shop at a business you have yet to visit! Don’t forget to Support Local Business! Show your love -Buy BID Bucks for your loved ones.

Check out sales and special offers at the local shops and new businesses.