T-shirt quilts, or quilts made out of clothing of a child or loved one are one-of-a-kind projects with special meaning to family and friends. Learn the basics of taking t-shirts or other clothing and create a quilt or other project. Make a memorable and priceless gift that cannot be purchased at a store.
This class will be held every second and fourth Tuesday, beginning in May and running through the end of August. Note: to finish this project it may be necessary to attend more than one class. The material needed for this class are as follows: Cutting matte, rotary cutter, quilt cutting ruler (we also recommend a t-shirt transformation ruler to make cutting t-shirts easier), t-shirts, lightweight fusible interfacing.
Price is $15 per person, per class and is non-refundable. Sign-up today at: https://www.thefarminharmony.com/products/....