The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife will be holding its annual trout stocking public meeting at the Pequest Trout Hatchery on Saturday, February 25, at 10 a.m. This important meeting provides an excellent opportunity for anglers to ask questions, voice their opinions, and give suggestions regarding New Jersey's trout stocking program.
The Division will present information on trout production at the hatchery, and allocations for individual waters including selection of this year's Bonus Broodstock lakes. In addition, fisheries biologists will be presenting potential regulations pertaining to New Jersey's Wild Trout Resources.
A comment period at the end of the program will be held so everyone in attendance has the chance to engage in meaningful discussion and ask questions of the biologists and fish culture staff present. A handout of this year's weekly allocation schedule will be provided to all attendees.
Division of Fish and Wildlife biologists take public comment seriously and do report meeting outcomes to the Fish and Game Council, so don't miss this chance to have your voice heard and be a part of fisheries management in New Jersey!
The Pequest Trout Hatchery is located on Route 46 approximately nine miles west of Hackettstown in Warren County.
Pequest Trout Hatchery and Natural Resource Education Center
State trout hatchery visitor center offers exhibits and self-guided tour. Hiking trails on wildlife management area. 4000-acre tract is open to hunting and fishing. Pequest River is trout-stocked; angler parking area at Rt. 46 entrance.