Virtual River Talk - Managing Invasive Species | Explore Warren


Virtual River Talk - Managing Invasive Species

Tuesday, January 28, 2025 -
7:00pm to 8:30pm

Guest speaker, Dr. Michael Van Clef, will share how to properly identify and control persistent plants in your yard and community. Mike serves as the Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space Stewardship Director and  as their Invasive Species Strike Team Program Director.

The Strike Team is most known for their work in eradicating invasive species for the protection and conservation of rare species, including plants and wildlife.

This talk will include a discussion of invasive problems cause in the ecosystem and their impacts in natural areas, along with ways to identify and control invasive species, including using a phone app to record and store data. There will also be a discussion about the creation of effective stewardship plans and how to efficiently treat invasive species to protect biodiversity.