Learn more about Agricultural opportunities available in Warren County. The day begins with a Rutgers Cooperative Extension Stakeholders meeting 9am. At 10am there will be breakout sessions with presentations on the following topics: Farm Assessment, Land Preservation, Right to Farm, Forestry Management, and Local Marketing Opportunities. There will be opportunities to network and learn more information about the local agricultural agencies available to Warren County Residents.
This event is being hosted by the Warren County Board of Agriculture, Rutgers Cooperative Extension and New Jersey Farm Bureau.
Register by January 23, 2020 by emailing Stacie Fischbach at agriculture@co.warren.nj.us or by calling 908-475-6505.
For more information contact:
Hank Bignell, Sr. Program Coordinator for Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Warren County, hdbignell@njaes.rutgers.edu
Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Warren County
Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Warren County offers a wide range of services and programs to the community. Offices are located in the Wayne Dumont, Jr. Administration Building, the main Warren County government facility, first floor, and include a meeting room.