Thursday, July 4, 2019
Celebrate Independence in Washington all day long with a parade, and live music at night with the fireworks.
2021 Itinerary
ORANGE CRATE DERBY: NO Qualification Races
Final Races Sunday July 4, 2021. Rain Date Saturday July 10, 2021
Set up time is 7:30am. Competition will begin at 8:30am
Location: Broad Street and Borough park entrance
Sunday July 4, 2021. No Rain Date
Line up from 2pm. Step off is at 3pm. Location: Route 31 and Broad St to Belvidere Ave to Carlton Ave to North Prospect St.
Sunday July 4, 2021. No Rain Date
Music by Doc South & DJ Dave Rupell from 6 - 9:30pm
Location: Warren Hills Middle School, on the athletic field