Purchase your 50/50 tickets here. Warren County Habitat for Humanity (WCHFH) announced a drawing date for their upcoming 50/50 raffle and an all new online auction. Unable to conduct their biggest fundraiser of the year – “Beams & Dreams” due to the Covid-19 pandemic - the drawing for the 50/50 will take place on October 1 at 1pm at the ReStore on Route 57 (next door to The Chapel at Warren Valley). The excitement has been building all year for three lucky winners, as tickets sales have continued to grow the pot.
The 50/50 drawing will kick-off a virtual fundraising event, as the biggest fundraiser of the year goes on-line. Items up for auction include antiques, a bistro set, specially themed prize baskets, diamond earrings, Patriots baseball tickets, a Trex bench, home goods, artwork, a game table, an electric bicycle and a log splitter, among many more prizes. Preview of the items on auction will be available September 29th and 30th. The auction will begin on October 1 at 1pm and close on October 5 at 5pm. Winners will have the option of retrieving their win at the WCHFH administrative offices in Washington or making arrangements for shipping.
Proceeds from both the 50/50 and auction will go toward the Patti-Sue Rolak Memorial Build. Patti-Sue Rolak, a former Board member and nearly twenty-year volunteer of WCHFH, passed away this year. She and her husband headed the Family Selection Committee and worked tirelessly to help as many families in Warren County as they could. To honor Patti-Sue’s tireless efforts toward the needs of others, the builds at 24 and 30 Beidleman Road are being dedicated to her.
50/50 tickets are still on sale at The ReStore on Route 57 in Washington and at our administrative offices at 31 Belvidere Ave., Washington. Please see www.warrenhabitat.org or call (908) 835-1300 for more information on our upcoming auction and how you can get involved with Warren County Habitat for Humanity.
Warren County Habitat for Humanity is the local affiliate of Habitat for Humanity, International and has served Warren County since 1999. An accredited 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, Habitat’s mission: Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. Visit www.warrenhabitat.org to find out more.