Saturday, June 29, 2019 -
11:00am to 2:00pm
Enjoy a relaxing and educational day with lavender. Start at 11am with ‘Lovely Lavender,’ a presentation by David Hyde on growing, enjoying and harvesting this herb. The history, best varieties, tips and tricks, as well as the many healing benefits of lavender will be covered.
A tasty lavender lunch will follow at 12 noon. At 1pm enjoy an activity creating you very own lavender condiments. You will make lavender vinegar, oil, and Herbs de Provence spice blend. Come experience this wonderful fragrant herb. Reservations are required; call 908-852-5390. Cost is $53.
Well-Sweep Herb Farm
Their farm is home to one of the largest collections of herbs and perennials in the country.
Learn More: