The American Legion Carl D. Archer Post 528 of White Twp. invites the public to join them for the first Wreaths across America in White Township. Each December on National Wreaths across America Day, the mission to Remember, Honor and Teach is carried out at coordinated wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery as well as at more than 2,500 additional locations in all 50 states, at sea and abroad. Post 528 and new member Ed Martell, Founder Quick Reaction Force 22 (a 501(c)(3) Veterans Non-Profit Charity) are co-hosting this event at the Summerfield Methodist Church Cemetery located off of Brass Castle Road CR 623 and Summerfield Road. A brief ceremony will be held by the members of Post 528, their color guard, Pastor Sandy, Ed and local ceremonial bugler, Doug Grunn who will sound Taps. Following will be the placing of the wreaths at more than 100 graves of veterans including Carl D. Archer, for whom the post was named.
The mission is to:
REMEMBER our fallen US veterans
HONOR those who serve and
TEACH your children the value of freedom.
Contact Ed Martell, former Marine, for more details at 571 589 5797