Centenary Stage Company’s Young Audience Series returns for the 2016 – 17 season on Saturday, September 17 at 11am in the Little Theater with the family favorite musical, Miss Nelson is Missing. Written for the stage by Joan Cushing and adapted from the books “Miss Nelson is Missing!” and “Miss Nelson is Back!” by Harry Allard, illustrated by James Marshall, this hilarious quirky musical adventure entertains while lightheartedly instilling lessons of respect and appreciation.
Miss Nelson’s class is the worst-behaved in the whole school. With spitballs stuck to the ceiling and paper planes whizzing through the air the students of Room 207 don’t proffer a shred of respect for their good-natured teacher Miss Nelson. When the witchy substitute Miss Viola Swamp appears the students quickly start to regret their own wicked ways and set out on a hilarious musically filled romp to restore their kind-hearted Miss Nelson to the head of the class. Miss Nelson is Missing is a program of Centenary Stage Company’s Young Audience Series. CSC’s Young Audience Series is presented by Centenary College Theater Department’s NextStage Repertory in collaboration with Centenary Stage Company.
Tickets for Miss Nelson Is Missing are $12.50 for adults and $10.00 for children under 12. All ticket sales are final.
For more information or to purchase tickets, visit centenarystageco.org or call the Centenary Stage Company box office at (908)-979 0900. The box office is open Monday through Friday from 1-5pm, and two hours prior to each performance. The CSC box office is located in the Lackland Center; 715 Grand Avenue Hackettstown, NJ. Centenary Stage Company can also be found on social media Platforms such as, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The 2016-17 season of performing arts events at the Centenary Stage Company is made possible through the generous support of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, the NJ State Council on the Arts, the Shubert Foundation, the Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation, the Sandra Kupperman Foundation, and CSC corporate sponsors, including Premier Season Sponsor Heath Village Retirement Community, Silver Sponsors Hackettstown Medical Center, Home Instead Senior Care (Washington), The Holiday Inn in Budd Lake, and Fulton Bank of New Jersey, and Centenary Stage Company members and supporters.
Centenary Stage Company
Centenary Stage Company is a performing arts center located on the campus of Centenary University. Year-round events include Professinal Theater Series, music events, dance events, a Women Playwrights Series, Young Performers Workshop, an annual holiday spectatular, and more!