Centenary Stage Company is pleased to announce that they are partnering with Explore Warren, the first-ever sponsor of CSC’s Summerfest of events, to present a summer of musical theatre and concert events.
Centenary Stage Company is a not-for-profit professional theatre company in residence at Centenary University in Hackettstown, NJ. Their season of professional theatre and concert events is supported through generous donations of patrons, local businesses, grants and ticket sales. This summer CSC is partnering with their first-ever Summer Series Sponsor, Explore Warren, to present four Summerfest events from June through August.
The 80’s Revolution will take the Sitnik stage on Thursday, June 22 at 7:30 p.m. as the first event in the Summerfest lineup. Next will be Rock of Ages which will run from July 6-16 followed by another concert event from the Earth Wind and Fire Tribute Band on July 22. The Summerfest season will close out with Seussical the Musical running from July 27 - August 6.
Explore Warren and ExploreWarren.org is a project of the Explore Warren County Tourism Partnership. Explore Warren highlights all the best offerings of businesses and events throughout Warren County through its newsletter, Warren County Wanderings, and through the ExploreWarren.org website. ExploreWarren.org hosts an events calendar on the website, listings and links to attractions, restaurants, unique shops and lodgings throughout the county, and the Warren County Wanderings e-newsletter of great things to do each month.
Explore Warren is brought to you by the Warren County Board of County Commissioners and is coordinated by the Warren County Public Information Department. Partners of Explore Warren include: Warren County Department of Land Preservation, Warren County Board of Recreation Commissioners, Warren County Planning Department, Warren County Morris Canal Committee, Warren County Bicentennial Cultural and Heritage Advisory Board, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Warren County, Warren County Economic Development Committee, Warren County Health Department, Warren County Library, Warren County Parks Foundation, as well as businesses and tourism venues throughout Warren County.
For more information, specific performance dates or ticket price details please visit centenarystageco.org or call the box office at (908) 979-0900. The box office is located in the Lackland Performing Arts Center on the campus of Centenary University at 715 Grand Ave. Hackettstown, NJ. The box office is open Monday through Friday from 1-5 p.m. and two hours prior to every performance. Centenary Stage Company can also be found across social media platforms; Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Like and follow to receive the latest in Centenary Stage Company news and special offers.
The 2023 Summer Season of Performing Arts events at the Centenary Stage Company is made possible through the generous support of the NJ State Council on the Arts, the Shubert Foundation, the Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation, the Sandra Kupperman Foundation, the John and Margaret Post Foundation, the CSC corporate sponsors, including Platinum Season Sponsor the House of the Good Shepherd, and Summer Sponsor Explore Warren.