Congratulations to Humpty Junior's for snagging "best burger" honors with their Grass-Fed Burger in NJ.com's survey seeking the best hamburger in each county. "Humpty Junior's is a cool, kitschy roadside hangout," NJ.com wrote. That it is, and the food is great, too. You'll find them on that stretch of Route 46 that is not at all like Route 46 in other parts of the state (come and see for yourself). Congrats also to runners-up Sullivan's On The Main, Phillipsburg, for their Alpine Burger, and Marley's Gotham Grill, Hackettstown, for the Mac Daddy.
Humpty Junior's
From 50 flavors of milkshakes to killer cheesesteaks, grass-fed burgers & organic chicken to custom made sundaes & Mile high Ice Cream cones: Humpty Junior's has it!
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